Tag Archives: Fashion

Khaki is Backi !

20 May

I don’t really want to blog about how khaki is trendy again.  Fashion journalism is way boring and I’d rather be shopping.  Basically, I just wanted to use that clever headline before anyone from Vogue did.

That’s all.  Back to Russia!

Amazing and Incredible Halloween Costume Ideas

13 Oct
WOW!  That's EXACTLY what Snow White looked like!!!!!

WOW! That's EXACTLY what Snow White looked like!!!!!

This is my version of philanthropy. Also, I’d like people to just come to the party and stop asking me for costume ideas. As always, leave your own suggestions below.


  1. Frida Kahlo
  2. The Fandago “Woman”
  3. Mona Lisa
  4. Anna Wintour
  5. Julia Child
  6. Octo-Mom Continue reading


18 Aug

claireIn celebration of Claire’s 27th birthday, here are 27 things we “love” about Claire.


Reporting contributed by Alyssa and Mazall.

  1. Her mom.
  2. The fact that she would like to have a destructive, emotionally stunted relationship with Don Draper from Mad Men…
  3. …But she also secretly loves America’s Next Top Model.
  4. Her affinity for things named “Molly.”
  5. Her dog’s affinity for licking dirty underwear.
  6. She’s a WASP and she knows/likes it.
  7. Her tireless coverage of important things like Facebook and Twitter.
  8. Those amazing, almost otherworldly, tan lines. Continue reading

Baby’s First Baseball Game

12 Jun
Not really how you use it...

Not really how you use it...

When I got home from work today, Mazall was watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.  Obviously, this was unacceptable.  Her ensuing lethargy, thank the Lord, made it quite easy to grab the remote and switch to the Yankees/Red Sox game (with a brief argument about the many reasons why I would not, I repeat NOT, watch Victor/Victoria).  For some reason, she stayed sprawled on the couch and “watched” the game with me, only rising to refill her glass of vodka and/or show me her batter’s stance.  What follows is 100% true and unedited documentation of our evening’s conversation.  Let’s play ball?

Mazall:  I’m just so fascinated…with their butts Continue reading

Video Daily Double

1 Jun

Drew goes national on our morning show!  Can’t decide which is more impressive:  that he managed to wake up at 5AM on a Saturday or that a salesman at J.Crew recognized him not 3 hours after the show…

(By the way, donating Drew did wonders for my CBS street cred.  If possible, I am even cooler than I once was.  Too bad it didn’t help in the whole “robbery” department…)

How the Other Half Lives: the Black Tie Edition

7 May
Not our Claire

Not our Claire

We don’t say “No” to much. Throw in a nice round number of celebs, free martinis, and a reason to wear sparkles, and you pretty much seal the deal. Which is what happened Tuesday night, more or less, with a way fancy event we are calling the “Newsweek 99” (wait for it).

Oh, except that Molly did say “No”, for unfortunate reasons we won’t go into here. Needless to say, Claire was wrought with devastation. “BUT WE COULD HAVE BLOGGED IT!,” she e-squeaked. “And we still can,” said Molly.

So here it is folks, a time-coded comparison of our Wednesday nights. Claire in pink, obvi. Continue reading

Diversity Training with Drewpreme, Style edition

9 Apr

drewpTo demonstrate that diversity training goes both ways, Drew and I will now educate each other on controversial topics. And by controversial topics I mean clothes. After all, Drew has more in common with his twiggy, fashionista co-workers than they might suspect. He’s the only man I know that travels to another borough to get his “wig tightened” and he has more accessories than a Claire’s boutique. I, on the other hand, simply dress well by wearing the opposite of whatever Mazall wears (sorry, babe, but this is punishment for refusing to have my child). But even two style-conscious mavens like Drew and myself stop dead in our well-heeled tracks to contemplate certain fashion trends we don’t understand. Thankfully, we’ve got each other to help sort it all out.

Drew: So, Molly, what’s with the proliferation of ballet shoe footwear as fashion? I mean seriously, these cannot be good for logging miles in the urban jungle…

Molly: Au contraire, mon Drewpreme. These shoes are actually PERFECT for the commute. They are adorable and comfortable, and you can wear them to work OR switch into heels when you get there. You must agree that there is nothing worse than wearing big ol’ commuter sneakers with an otherwise chic work outfit (sorry, Alyssa).

Drew: HRUMPH. The chicks that wear ballet shoes look like the only walking they do is to catch a cab. But you make a point. The slouch socks and Sketchers with a suit is not what’s hot on the streets. Continue reading

Casual Fridays (alternate title: Bad Idea Jeans)

27 Mar

jeansSo much to say about this topic, so little time left on the 12:30 conference call. (Unlike Claire, I know how to multi-task).

Here’s the theory: I’ve noticed four basic groups of casual Friday goers and anything that can be broken into categories intrigues me.

Continue reading

Because the real Thursday Styles is pathetic.

26 Mar
getty images/nytimes

getty images/nytimes

The New York Times‘s Style section is probably the worst part about any given Thursday. I’m not the only one who feels this way. Their “editors” have inexplicable enthusiasm for the the silliest, most obvious things (ties are in! No money for Botox!) and a serious knack for forecasting trends you never, ever hear about again (people will accessorize with band-aids! Face Yoga!). Look at today’s main story for example: Robot Clothes!

From the Times:

The futuristic look of yesteryear is everywhere you turn, from the catwalks to the big screen and beyond…

Except no, it’s not. You know where people aren’t wearing metallic unitards and “steely man-cuffs”? IN REAL LIFE. Ugh! A much better article would have been why robots dress like Amish women.