Tag Archives: Drew

Why I Heart Taylor Swift

8 Dec

Things We Don’t Hate

24 Nov


Everyone who isn’t a flaming Liberal is thankful for the obvious things: democracy, family, bacon, etc.  That’s why, this Thanksgiving, Claire and I are concentrating on the meaningless, trivial things that help get us from one day to the next.  Because THAT, my friends, is what the holidays are all about.

  1. TV on DVD, Hulu, Netflix, On Demand…basically TV anywhere other than actual TV
  2. When friends stay logged into Facebook on our computers
  3. Compressed gas spray cans for your keyboard
  4. Ridiculous PR pitches
  5. White wine
  6. Inanimate object Halloween costumes
  7. Red wine Continue reading

Diversity Training: Music Edition Vol. II ctd.

11 Jul
sometimes a man just wants to feel pretty

sometimes a man just wants to feel pretty

Before I get started I feel like I should also update people on my Lost experience. Since writing that earlier post, I’ve watched two more episodes. I’m not sure how I feel about the show. Also, why do these people have so many issues? There isn’t one person on the plane who is like, “Yeah, I’m from the suburbs. My parents love me, I have good friends, my cholesterol is within the normal range—I’m fine!” Instead, they all have unresolved issues and emotional problems.
Ok, now on to important things:

So I never posted the second half of our “guilty pleasures” music post. I don’t have an excuse; I’m just a bad person who deserves to be ridiculed.

In case you forgot, Drew and I had exchanged our guilty pleasure songs: songs that we love but are kind of embarrassed to admit that we love. The first half of our exchange can be found here. The second half is below:

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It’s hard out here for a half-Greek, or, Molly Knows Why the Caged Bird Sings

10 Jul
cafe press wins again

cafe press wins again

I don’t care if Obama got elected or not — we do not live in a post-racial society.  People are mean, especially Russians.  But you know what is worse than racism?  Ignorance.  I’m not talking about the kind of ignorance that fuels most racism.  I’m talking about people not even being able to name one famous person from my motherland (aside from Drew, who was deflowered by a Grecian and holds a special place for them in his heart).  This, and so much more, is why I, as a half-Greek American, have it worse than everyone else and will be demanding reparations to my people from the Obama Administration along with a national holiday devoted to filo dough. Continue reading

Oh, whoops. Have we not posted in a while?

8 Jul
"40 Deez" aka Drewpreme

"40 Deez" aka Drewpreme

Our bad. We have lots of content coming (and a video of Mazall as a forefather!), but our day jobs kinda suck right now.

So please now entertain yourself with this “blarticle” that Drew has written for some other blog (HOW DARE YOU DREW!) on his favourite summer cocktails. Spoiler Alert: Most involve 40s of Olde English.

Diversity Training: Music Edition Vol. II

8 Jun

Things I could blog about
1. Conan’s Tonight Show debut is the best thing to happen to television since…well, television
2. Ellen Degeneres’ stand-up special makes me laugh so hard I can’t breathe
3. Everyone on the Upper East Side wears plaid shorts

cuddly and badass

cuddly and badass at the same time

Things I will blog about instead
1. Me.
2. Drew.
3. Music.

We decided that the second round of Diversity Training: Music Edition should cover guilty pleasure songs. You know, the tunes that you try not to love but somehow find yourself singing in the shower, drunkenly requesting at a party, or playing on repeat on your iPod until you get to where you’re going and then you surreptitiously switch to Radiohead so people think you find Thom Yorke’s incessant sing-whining beautiful and artistically valid. Continue reading

Video Daily Double

1 Jun

Drew goes national on our morning show!  Can’t decide which is more impressive:  that he managed to wake up at 5AM on a Saturday or that a salesman at J.Crew recognized him not 3 hours after the show…

(By the way, donating Drew did wonders for my CBS street cred.  If possible, I am even cooler than I once was.  Too bad it didn’t help in the whole “robbery” department…)

Diversity Training: Movie Break!

18 May

posterc85ba638035f8cfe3e88ae184a6840f6c87f032a Sometimes, your friends take you by surprise.  Whether it’s Tyler dropping the Kyoto Protocol into normal conversation or Claire telling a story that is not only relevant but also easy-to-follow, every now and then I’m floored by mon amis.  Like this little  ditty from Drew at 9:42 AM on a Tuesday:
“BTW – I’ve decided that Anna Faris is playing you when the Drewpreme movie gets made.  I was watching The House Bunny.”

Needless to say, this called for a Q&A… Continue reading

Diversity Training with Drewpreme: The Music Edition

30 Apr
The master himself

The master himself

Drew is black and I am white. I am female and Drew is male. I am tall and Drew is EVEN TALLER. We’re both from the suburbs, but we’ll ignore that. The point is, Drew and I are about as different as two people can get without one of us being a pedophile or a foreigner or something. And when it comes to music, we run in very different circles. Drew’s iPod deals heavily in R&B, hip-hop, rap and soul; mine jumps between art school drop-outs and people my parents used to like. So for this week’s Diversity Training, we decided to swap songs.

The players: Claire. Drew. The entire history of music.

The rules: We each pick three songs and send them to each other without explaining our selections. Then we listen and critique accordingly. After the initial review, the song’s original selector will offer a final defense.

Continue reading


24 Apr

vs In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.

— Oscar Wilde

Today, the gloves come off. The Mighty Drewpreme and I agree on many things (higher education, Ralph Lauren clothing, a cheesesteak a day to keep the doctor away, how there’s never a bad time to start rapping in public), but when it comes to the women of LOST, it’s WAR!!!! We are, however, gentlemen and scholars, and shall debate this season-old predicament with strict adherence to the Reserved Debate Board Rules of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. They are as follows:

Topic must be posted and agreed upon along with debate room reserved.
200 word limit.
TOPIC: Who is the better Lady of LOST, Kate or Juliet?

Debater 1: Drew, arguing for Juliet
Debater 2: Molly, arguing for Kate

Debater 1 makes opening statement.  Debater 2 responds.
Debater 2 makes “second” opening statement. Debater 1 responds.
Cross Examination
Debater 2 asks 1 question.  Debater 1 responds.
Debater 1 asks 1 question.   Debater 2 responds.
Concluding remarks from both sides
Debater 2 makes closing statement
Debater 1 makes closing statement


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